Neath Abbey and the Industrial Revolution


Laurence Ince

Tempus Publishing,

Gloustershire, England, 2001






Preface                                                                                                              6

Acknowledgements                                                                                          7

1       Rivers Geology and Estates                                                                    8

2       The Copper Industry                                                                              12

3       The Eighteenth Century Iron Industry                                                   25

4       The Neath Abbey Iron Company 1800-1890                                         35

5       The Products of the Neath Abbey Iron Company                                 46

6       The Quaker Industrialists of Neath Abbey                                             70

7       The Nineteenth Century Coal Mining Industry                                     89

8       The Main Colliery Company                                                                  100

Appendix 1  Expense of Ironmaking - 1800                                                     144

Appendix 2 List of Stationary Steam Engines Built                                        146

Appendix 3 List of Ship Engines and Ships Built                                            165

Appendix 4 List of Locomotives Built                                                            169

Appendix 5 List of Gas Plants Built                                                                172

Appendix 6 List of Patents                                                                              174

Bibliography                                                                                                     175

References                                                                                                        180

Index                                                                                                                 188


This book contains substantial histories of the industries located in the area surrounding Neath Abbey, Wales. Chapter 5 deals with the Neath Abbey Ironworks where Hopkin Thomas apprenticed in the 1805 time period. Prof. Ince has made extensive use of the records of the Neath Abbey Ironworks as preserved in the West Glamorgan Archive Service in the preparation of this work. Over 8000 plans of products are given in those records. Apparently, it was not the custom in those days for the signature of the designer of the plans to appear on document. That being the case, it will be difficult to trace Hopkin's endeavor's back to his apprenticeship days.


Below is a typical engine plan from those records. Note the absence of the designer's signature. Whether the designer is identified in the notes covering the plans has not been determined.


Return to the Neath Abbey Ironworks page.


Return to References.


Rev July 2014.