The "John Bull",
This Engine was built by George Stephenson at New Castle on
Tyne, England, for the Camden and Amboy Railroad, and arrived in America in
August 1831; and began running on the 12th of November of the same year at
Bordentown, N. J. The weight of the engine was about 10 tons; boiler 13 ft.
long and 42" dia., cylinders 9" dia. by 20" stroke; driving
wheels 4' 6" dia. made with cast iron hubs and wooden spokes and felloes.
The tires were wrought iron ¾" thick, depth of flange
1½"; gauge of track 5 feet. This engine was the first in use in the
State of New Jersey, and is still in existence, having been deposited in the
Smithsonian Institute at Washington by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
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November 2009